Skipping Across the Topic
By Mike Reed

Latest Topics

09/21/2009 MVVM Pattern using WPF and C#   Code   MVVM Toolkit 0.1
Step-by-Step tutorial for programmers, showing how to create a WPF application based on the M-V-VM pattern in C#.

07/02/2009 XML Postback in VB.NET
Sample VB.NET code showing how to capture the data from an UltraCart XML Postback.

11/27/2007 Connecting to SQL Server using VB.NET
Sample code showing how to connect and communicate with Microsoft SQL Server using VB.NET. It shows how to read, write and execute stored procedures. It also shows how to collect a single value form a query or a full record set.

08/03/2007 T-SQL Hex to Decimal Function
This is a SQL Server user function to convert Hex (Base-16) to Decimal (Base-10).

06/06/2007 Dynamic JPG Image Files
Create .JPG files on the fly using GDI. Uses a standard HTML Image tag, but instead of using a .JPG extension, you use a .ASPX extension and the code casts the output to the JPG format so that it displays as an image on the HTML page.

03/09/2007 VB Threading
SVB now supports threading, but doing it right isn't automatic. This code example gives you a great place to start so that you build a stable threaded application.

01/24/2007 Read Data from any URL
Read any Internet resource into a string. Great for reading XML feeds, images, HTML or any other file type.

01/07/2007 Classic ASP Access to SQL Server
Still using Classic ASP? Need to query SQL Server? Then this sample code will help.

10/11/2006 Two-Way Encode/Decode Routine
It's amazing how fast and simple this encoding routine is, and yet few people will see the output as anything but garbage. If low level security is the gal, you can't get anything better or faster. Combine with other types of two-way encryption to create more advanced and secure output.

07/03/2006 High Speed Single Pass XML Parser
X-Path and the DOM can be way too slow with huge overhead. If you read XML into a string, use this simple one pass parser to pull out all the data.

10/14/2005 Computer Helpline - Working With Images III
Last in a series of seven articles for the American Funeral Director magazine. I was working on a memorial website and this allowed free exposure for the site to the people who would sell the service. Each article was focused on using Photoshop by funeral directors who are typically not very computer savvy, but in a business where images play a growing role.

08/16/2005 Computer Helpline - Working With Images II
More tips about working with images in Photoshop.

07/22/2005 Computer Helpline - Working With Images
Tips and techniques for using Photoshop in the day-to-day funeral home business.

05/27/2005 Computer Helpline - Software Review 2005
Review of funeral home software for 2005.

01/17/2005 Computer Helpline - Portrait Image Scanning
How to properly use a scanner to get great results when scanning portraits.

11/12/2004 Computer Helpline - Internet Safety
Computers on the Internet are constantly under attack, so take the right precautions and keep from being the next victim.
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